Plating & electrolysis treatment surface

Similar to aluminium anodize, plating is a basic electrolysis process into which item will be dept into in order to close the material porous surface and thus avoid rusting.

Plating is performed on iron, brass and zamac each material demanding different chemical solution.

As a standard we make a total of 7 different plating “color” : nickel, chrome, silver, gun, gold, brass, and copper

Each of those 7 plating color can be made into 3 finishes : shiny, matt, antic


It is important to note that antic finish is obtained by hand polishing very dark plating.We will plate a very dark ton of any of the 7 original color.Then polish the product after the plating.

Antic finish is obtained by polishing away dark plating color on relief area, making them into lighter color shade, while leave recess area ( out of reach to the polish ) in original dark color.Because it is a hand polish process, antic finish will always include variation of ton and shade into a whole lot.

Different design and relief will also create different result of antic and the antic finish is obtained by the contrast between relief (embossed) area and recess ( debossed ) area.Also, as the plated as been polished ( and therefore damaged ) after treatment it is recommended to apply a spray varnish to avoid rusting and oxidizing.
